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Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday is basketball night - 3pm till 9pm - exhausting, but the kids love it - they get pizza after!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Telling People About Your New Internet Business (Part 1)

People used to love words. For millenia, they were the primary method of communication. Initially the words were spoken, remembered and repeated by the Elders or the wise men and women of our civilsations. Then came the written word, with the Homer's, the Shakespeares, and the Heinleins with their beautiful phrases and vivid ideas and narratives. We learned from poets, soldiers, statesmen and of course, from teachers.

Our entertainments consisted of one on one dialoques, from reading and from listening to the masters, the gurus in live performances or exhibitions. We had time to consider what we heard and what we read, because life was slower, less harried. It took time to listen, time to think.

As a result of this slower pace, people were accustomed to waiting until they heard or read the entire story. People were really good listeners, they expected to take time to enjoy, or savour all the nuances that the telling of stories provided. People were able to actively participate in the narratives, to relate to the emotions and used their imagination to extrapolate other scenarios.

Consider the current situation, where the primary communication media is television, video or the Internet. Most information is shared visually, and the written word is a secondary medium used for emphasis, or to repeat a message. We have learned that listening is not necessary, except under certain circumstances, so we generally don't listen to the spoken word.

Worse, we tend to discount what we do hear, or wait for visual confirmation of any message. We no longer learn from the gurus and teachers of old, but get our information from anonymous third party sources, controlled by businesses, or by governments. We are able to assimilate information visually, and transmit our information the same way.

Visual communications aren't novel; the visual ats have been around for centuries. The difference between then and now is that producing the visuals in days past took enormous effort and talent, and then for people to view the results took TIME.

Today, television gets visual messages to viewers with the same effort and talents required, but people no longer have to use their time to access the medium, as it is transmitted direct to our
homes, offices and smart phones or other connected devices. The effect this has on our lives and
on our businesses is profound. Most of us get all but all of our news from electronic media. The
major corporations internationally all have their own television and video production studios.
Sales conferences are rarely conducted in large rooms or halls but are video or web events

Our children spend more time with electronic media that they spend in their educational institutions by a factor of around 2 to 1.

Today, if you want a message or information disseminated, you look to video conferencing, or
produce a short digital video for transmission to the other paries. The techniques used by
television studios to produce hard information as news are replicated by business. Key financial
data is analysed, facts, numbers, ideas and strategies are examined for pertinence to audiences
and their relevance measured in traffic, and in views.

One consequence of this media transmission is that we are conditioned to interpret data in much
shorter time frames or bursts than previously. This leads us to impatience toward any message
that takes more than just a few minutes.

Inevitably, if we wish to "tell people about our business" we are constrained by the same
barriers as the large corporations. This means we either have to be master communicators to get
our message to our customers, or we need to spend huge amounts to achieve that purpose.

Luckily, to become a master communicator is relatively simple; all that is needed in information, and TIME

In the next installment we will commence discussion about the techniques for improving communication, so that you can commence "Telling People About Your New Internet Business"

See you soon...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tools for Your Web Business

If your business has a website, direct sales are not necessarily the sole, nor even the primary reason for maintaining it.

Having a web prescence helps promote your brand and provides essential information about your products and services. In fact, if your business is primarily services, it is unlikely that you wouold require an on-line sales system.

However if you sell physical goods, or pre-sell software, or educational services, a web-site makes sense as a way to expand your offerings and create opportunities for more sales. As your customers become aware of the convenience and security of paying on-line, your business can make life easier for them, by offering a secure payments system.

Making life easier for your customers does not mean that it will simplify your business, or that you will find the transition to a payments system painless. This is intended as a beginners guide, that will help you to plan your on-line payments system.

Establishing your payment system at even the most basic level will require planning; who processes amd then packages your goods? Will you need to provide invoices, or receipts? If you already perform some of these functions in your business you will have some procedures in place that you should be able to translate across to your web-site. There are specialised software packages that can help in managing the process, by automating labels and such. But you should be aware that there will be additional work that needs to be done.

To accept payments and orders from your website there will several related technologies that will be needed.

1. You will need to list the products and services that you offer. If you are just offering a few products on your site the simplest way is to add descriptions by using your content management system (CMS) If your offering is extensive, you will probably need dedicated software to handle the complexities of a catalogue. There are a number of open-source systems, and ecommerce offerings available - if you have trouble finding something that suits, contact me...

2.You will need to accept payments. For a small scale business, PayPal will process transactions via a "Buy Now" button. This is probably easiest for small operations. All that is required is for you to set-up a PayPal account and add to your web-site. Make sure you register for a premium account as the fees are lower than for a personal account. PayPal have a facility where you can cut and paste the HTML code for a "Pay Now" button into your CMS at the appropriate place.

For larger scale operations you may find it advantageous to have your payments processed more directly. This will mean a number of elements: a merchant account, and a payment getway service to handle the processing. The merchant account will be required for the processing of credit cards; some merchant accounts include a payment gateway service.

If you have any problems with any of these elements, you can contact me for help...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Leading Meetings in Your Business

Whether you have called the meeting or are an invitee, a leader will always have a part to play, ensuring that participants stay focused, included, and co-operative.

Focus is important, because if the discussion goes off agenda, time may be wasted. A leader can redirect the meeting: "Perhaps that is something for another dicussion - let's take notes and we could brainstorm that later" - "We should to stay with our first subject and finalize that before we start another, don't you think?"

To include everyone in the group, and maximise the outcomes, you need to identify the basic personalities. There are movers, opposers, followers, and watchers. Movers are the ones that suggest ideas and run with them, usually the first to initiate action. You are probably a mover, if you are an entrepreneur. Opposers are competing with movers, often becoming movers themselves. They look for the facts, and argue for points. Followers may see a need to play it safe, and see where the meeting is headed, before adding their often useful input. Watchers are just that - they stay out of the discussion, but take a commentators role.

As a leader, encourage the movers by pointing them in the direction of the agenda, but don't ignore the others - make sure their input is solicited. Opposers may initially block the meetings' objectives, but can be used as "Devils Advocates." Set tasks that will use their objections "Check that out and find out if that will help or hinder our agenda" Leader's tend to be opposers at meetings they have not called - be aware of that and watch for the opposer in yourself.

Followers are often very creative, once their need for safety is met. Assign them implementation tasks - they will be gratified at that, and handle challenges enthusiastically.

Watchers are usually time wasters - don't waste energy trying to get them to take a position on anything - use them to investigate and report if they are willing - but report to you privately, as they will not wish to be judged on their input publicly.

Getting people in a meeting to work co-operatively is a big ask. Everyone has their own personal needs and private agendas, and these need to be fulfilled BEFORE focus can transfer to the agenda.

Here is where a leader needs to work hard before meetings to ensure that skills essential to group interaction have been learned by the team.

Listening. We all listen, but how effective is your listening. We tend to anticipate what someone is about to say, and even if we are right we will miss something because we will be 10% (or more) wrong, and that 10% may be the really important part.

Leader's should summarize after each person speaks, and check if that is what was meant. Asking others if that is what they "heard" gives participants an opportunity to review and process what was said. Leader's may also interrupt responses that are off subject. It should be done carefully, so as not to alienate the responder.

Support. We all compete - it's natural. It is difficult at times, but supporting ideas from someone else promotes team effectiveness. Even when we disgree with MOST of an idea, showing agreement for some of the ideas fosters the team.

A leader must show the way here, by listening for things to support, and adding and building on those things. Synergy will build the rapport of the group.

Disagreeing. It would be a good feeling if everyone agreed about everything at meetings, but disagreeing is necessary, and good. Solutions are stronger if they survive criticism, and constructive disagreement is conducive to team harmony, in the longer term. When people learn how to survive criticism, it makes working with others less stressful and more productive.

Leaders need to ensure that criticisms are NOT personal, but about the ideas - personal criticism won't "win friends and influence people" and will preclude future support for ideas. By ensuring diagreement is impersonal, everyone considers the facts, not the personalities. Finding things to support before overall diagreement helps lessen feelings of loss, gives balance. Lead with questions that highlight the issue, that may expose less obvious reasons for the disagreement that may be crucial to the issue. Try to offer alternatives when disagreeing with something.

Using and teaching these skills will improve meetings you are involved with in your business. And remember, all interactions with others are really meetings...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Optimizing Outcomes for Meetings in Your Business

Everyone who runs a business has meetings. It is unavoidable, whether you meet on-line, face-to-face, in boardrooms or at seminars; you are going to be in or at meetings.

But meetings need not be "something to be avoided". Managed properly, they can be a source of leads, cement relationships, and be a powerful venue for solving disputes or to sucessfully negotiate alliances.

The key is ALWAYS setting an agenda, and visualizing all the possible outcomes, or as many as you can anticpate. You can strategize to maximise the benefits for all participants, seeking win-win solutions to issues, or mutally acceptable compromises.

Be sure to think about the emotional responses that could occur to the content in the meetings. If there is a potential for anger or resentment, bring that up early, and devise ways to deflect or manage the emotions. Acknowledgment can be a source of strength, and can effectively defuse the many fears that could divert you from a co-operative outcome.

I prepare a think sheet before meetings, where I list the possible issues. I distribute this, so that all cards are on the table at the start. By brainstorming the issues with peers, subordinates, clients and superiors at the least you are starting from a place you know, with a potential map to where you should be going.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Reason to Recession and Inflation Proof Your Income

If you are someone who has been listening to the news about the Global Financial Crisis for
the past year or so, you are probably a little bored with some of the often repetitive

Unless, like my friend Audie from Cinncinnati, who was laid off over a year ago, you are
listening and watching the news like a hawk, looking for the silver lining. Try to imagine
the pain, fear and frustration that he and his family feel.

But that is the good news - Audie is still positive, and his chats with me are upbeat and
full of self-deprecating humor.

I have been talking with him about the potential of on-line business, but he has an almost
uncanny belief in the power of the Chinese to bail everyone out, and is "waiting" until
things get back to "normal"

Two questions: What is normal? And Why will the Chinese help the rest of the world "get back
to normal?

Newsflash: No-one now knows what normal is; The Chinese are starting to feel the pain of
unchecked growth, with climbing inflation, that will eventually force them to act on their

Now here is the bad news: The US and the rest of the world are borrowing money from the
Chinese to stimulate their economies. They on-lend the money to banks and other
institutions, who are supposed to lend the money to people so that they can finance
businesses, service long-term liabilities, and to pay for "toys" that most are addicted to.

The banks know the real situation, and make a lot of noise about lending, but sit on the
money, because they know the reality - they are deferring losses, and they have to hoard
cash for the shake-out...

Think about it. Would you lend money out knowing that you needed it to pay for your own
inflated liabilities, sometime in the near future? If you were certain that, eventually,
cash was the only thing that would save you. Not property, falling in value, or unable to
be sold at anywhere near the Book Value. Not shares, that are so volatile that a 15% swing
in a month is not unusual anymore.

So, there is much more pain to come, unless there is a miracle, and the truly rich stop
sitting on their hands, and start lifting the awful burden that Audie and Co. carry.

I am not talking about helping those who won't help themselves, or about paying for the
toys that all walks of life seem to take for granted. I am talking about funding education
and re-training the hundreds of thousands of people who lost their jobs, for those who are
genuinely up the creek without the proverbial paddle.

Providing real jobs, even if those jobs involve public works, or perish the thought, public
housing. Real education, in fields that are future focused, rather than entertainment
support systems.

Recent comments by Alan Greenspan in the Wall Street Journal about US Federal Debt levels
are also worth considering. He repeated the truism that the US Government can produce money
at will, so there is no credit risk. But he also repeated that there is a definite
interest rate risk.

The US interest rates are still at near zero. But remember, (I can, but I am a boomer) in
1979/80 over the space of 4 months, the effective rates of interest increased by 4%. The
prime rate, that charged by the banks was 15.6%.

Debt as a percentage of the GDP rose from 38% in June 08 to 59% in June 2010. How much
more can this increase with out substantial movement in interest rates? I am not trying to
frighten anyone, but we need to look at the facts.

So, it is a no brainer. Inflation sooner or later, is going to hit. Hard. People everywhere
will need to find ways to Recession and Inflation Proof their incomes.

If you are interested in this, go to Don Paul Fuller's website, and learn how to start doing just that...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video Marketing

Over the past months, I have gathered leads from Youtube ( ) where I uploaded a few videos that were, frankly, horrible - It is a wonder people did not run screaming into the night...

However, I WAS getting people to subscribe to my Newsletter and to my blogs regularly. I was baffled...

However, my sponsor Jeff Learner spotted the reason straight away. I had added the videos to my landing pages, where appropriate, and I had also embedded the code so that they play automatically. Jeff told me that the reason I was getting the leads was because of that code

So I tested it. I ran a campaign on identical web pages, with autoplay turned on in one but not the other. The results were as Jeff told me. I got a 40% better result from the auto-play version.

The message from this? Ensure that all embedded youtube videos have &autoplay=1 added to the code. Your lead conversions will improve substantially...

If you are unsure how to do that, send me an email, and I will help.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Taking Time To Stay Organized Means A Lot In A Work At Home Business

Working from the comfort of your home has it benefits. However, you will to need to follow some self disciplinary rules for your work to be successful. To be able to spend time with family and do all the things you dreamed about by working at home, you will need to follow these work at home business tips.

How many times have you heard that phrase that says timing is everything? This is really true when you are running a business from your home. Your schedule is going to need to be strict. This means you should make a schedule at the start of every work week. Write down specific hours that are for your work and your work only. Paste it in the same place every time that will allow you to see it each day. This will be a reminder for you to stay on that schedule.

Do you have a place to work that is going to be free from distractions? If not, then you should start making one. Choose an extra room or a corner of the den. The place you choose does not matter as long as you know you will be able to work in it free from as many interruptions as possible. This space should be kept clean as well for you to be able to work efficiently.

Do you have children? If so, then you will need to make arrangements to avoid the interruptions that come with having kids. If you can afford it, invest in day care or a babysitter for the time you are working. You can also make a room for the kids to play in. Put all their toys and video games in it. This is a great idea that will keep you from worrying over them while you are trying to work. One tip is to schedule your working hours around the times the kids are sleeping. This will help with not having any interruptions.

Have you ever tried to work in a cluttered and disorganized area? This is a certain recipe for disaster. Make sure you keep your workspace neat and organized. This will enable you to find things easily and you will get more done. Use pigeon hole shelving to organize your tools or other supplies. Make sure you use a filing cabinet for important paperwork.

Think about all the supplies you may need for your business. Make a list and make sure you include everything on it so that one trip to the supply store will do it. Running back and forth for additional things you might need is a time consumer. One thing you will need to keep in mind is utilizing your time. Time is money in every business, at home or otherwise.

Do you run your business emails through your personal account? You should make a separate email account for just the business. Checking your email every hour or so will cause you to be distracted. The point in saving time is to steer away from as many interrupting situations possible.

For you to be able to stay at home and run a successful business, you are going to have to practice self discipline. Make sure that those in your family understand why you are locked away in that room or why you tell everyone to play quietly. The key to the profits for your work at home business will depend on you adhering to schedule.

Developing and enhancing a home based business is one answer to the problem of higher living costs on less income. With an on line marketing company, you have benefits beyond those of income.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard: The Wizard(ess) of OZ

As a resident in Australia, though not a citizen, I am largely untouched by the political environment. But it was with some surprise that I discovered that our new Prime Minister is a (her words) redhead and is female.

I have long admired Ms Gillard. She has a down-to-earth manner and never seems to be ruffled or surprised by anything that comes her way. Her wit is razor sharp, and I have enjoyed her aggressive style in question time at the Australian Parliament.

What would seem to be less admirable is the method of her ascension to the top job. The term "political assassination" comes to mind as does the thought that there is "blood on the sand." Kevin Rudd seems to have been ambushed by one of his most loyal followers and although his deportment on national television was dignified, on can only guess at his inner thoughts - I would think "murdered!" would be somewhere there...

The reality is that a mediocre performer has been replaced by something of an enigma - a political pitbull, who seems to love the cut and thrust of political intrigue. Yet for all of that someone who's integrity and, until last night, loyalty could not be challenged.

She answered a criticism of her loyalty as she always seems to, from the front foot. She stated that her over-riding loyalty belongs to the Australian People, and to the Labor Party...

We could do worse...

Friday, May 28, 2010

I worry that though there is more and more information available on the net, I have less and less understanding...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why People Choose an Internet Marketing Business

I have been asked on many occasions why I chose to work as an internet marketer, rather than a
“real job.” At first, I thought the question strange, until I realised that I had seen very few articles that articulated the many reasons. Oh, I know that everyone who is recruiting talks about the “huge income” and the “freedom from wage slavery” or the “work from home”; I am not arguing against those very valid reasons, but there usually are other not so obvious reasons why we choose online businesses.

Anthony Robbins of Awaken the Giant fame, talks about the reasons we do what we do – he says
we do things to gain pleasure, and to avoid pain. - that's it...

I believe what Tony means is that we work not for money, but for the pleasure that money brings
when we do things with that money. He means that we work long hours on PPC campaigns etc.
because we are avoiding the pain that we were feeling driving for 3 hours a day to our previous jobs

And there is much more...

I gain immense pleasure from the knowledge that I work in the company of industry giants like Jay Kubasek, Mike Dillard, Aaron Parkinson and others.

I enjoy learning from the best marketing minds in the online marketing business; from selling
products that are wanted and worthwhile, and that customers love...

But the main reason I work as an online businessman?

Simply, I gain a huge amount of energy, pleasure and satisfaction from teaching those who are willing and more importantly keen to learn how to work this business.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gympie is a misunderstood town - salt of the earth territory...
I asked if she'd hate me if I thought bad things about her; she said "No" but when I said I think you're a loser she slapped me - go figure.
If you don't have a dream, you are not really alive...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

I just love my job, so I guess it isn't one...
In a bureaucracy, ignorance and stupidity are expected and prized by the mandarins
Just joined - links it all!

Why People Join My Business.

When I first started internet marketing, I struggled with the concept of "down lines." My sponsor was, and still is, a multiple five figure monthly income earner, and I was a little intimidated by his success.

My issue was, why would anyone buy a product from me, much less join my business. After all, I was a "newbie" with little experience in marketing on the internet, even though I considered myself to have experience marketing to clients in my financial advice business. I was unsure how that experience would translate to marketing new products and concepts., where often, sales occur accidentally, almost in spite of the marketing that takes place.

My concerns turned out to be ill founded. The founders of CarbonCopyPro really got their act together when they designed the sales funnels. Products are incidental to the process, and while team members are encouraged to use the pre-optimised products lines from the CCPro partners, it is a fact that the sales funnels can be used for any product. The REAL advantage that CCPro gives their members is the process, and even more importantly, the training in marketing that forms the basis of the CarbonCopyPro system.

Fast forward to today: The sales funnels are working, and under the GPT (Get Paid Today) concept, a down line is all but obsolete. Why obsolete you ask- Because your primary income is generated by your own effort, and not by your down-line.

But peop[le are still joining my business. Why?

If I was just interested in making money, that is what I would focus on, to the exclusion of all else; but I am not - I found that the best part of working with CCPro was the community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who are prepared, even committed to sharing knowledge techniques, and tips to those under them, above them and beside them.

This sharing culture, combined with the GPT concept means that those who want to, build a team. Because they love the sharing of successes, the camaraderie and the support of the team ethos.

Now, that does not mean that everyone in my business is a team player, far from it. It means that team players who join my business find a team where our triumphs and our failures are shared - the triumphs to encourage and motivate, the failures so we can all learn...

And I like that, just fine. As do the team, and I gather the others...

See you on the Team...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

People versus Paper: The Dilemma of Organisations World Wide

If you know me, you are aware I am active in the local Surf Lifesaving Club. I qualified as a Bronze Medallion holder last century (Doesn't that sound old!!!) in the late sixties, but drifted away from the movement, distracted by education, employment,  and travel, among other things. It wasn't until my oldest boy was 7 years old, that I re-joined, and re-qualified as a lifesaving volunteer, so that the family could participate in the "Nippers" the Junior Section of the Club

What I liked about Surf Clubs, was that it is a healthy environment for kids - everyone in Queensland who is a current lifesaver has to hold a "Blue Card" which is aimed at keeping pedophiles and criminals from associating with the younger and junior members. It is also a wonderful medium for meeting people, and for staying fit. The gymnasium is the cheapest I know - the annual subscription is the membership fee for the Club, which is under $50.00. Of course, I have to patrol the beach for 40 hours a year, but that is a small price to pay, given that it is a real pleasure to do the patrols.

I learned that the best way to keep current with the latest changes to rescucitation and first aid for Lifesavers, was to teach it - I have an interest in teaching, and I discovered I love to see kids and young adults (oldies too) discover they were among the elite 3% of Australians who qualify for a Bronze Medallion.

I also learned that bureaucracy  is alive and thriving in the Lifesaving movement. The almighty "paperwork" that has to "be right" before anything can happen. I am sure you all know the ablution block joke about "the jobs not done till the paperwork is finished."

Now, I do understand that there must be procedures to follow, so that the outcomes are the same for every training , but I question that rigid adherence to procedures is the only way to interact with lifesaving personnel, in particular those volunteers who give up their time in order to pass on their knowledge and expertise.

A case in point. The Australian Lifesaving Academy states that it accepts other recognized qualifications. But the process involved in having those "other" qualifications is so long and involved that applicants may as well re-sit the assessment and complete all the (usually irrelevant or redundant) paperwork for a new award. A fellow trainer is a high school teacher in his day job, and has tried for several months to have Recognition of Previous Learning applied to his teaching qualifications - to date, he is not considered to be a fully qualified trainer by the Academy - I guess a Bachelor of Education doesn't mean much nowadays.

Another case: If anyone wants to drive the All-Terrain-Vehicles, the ATV's, the paperwork required by the Club is intimidating. Photocopies of licences, completed 15 page assessment paper, and a signed off-certificate of competency in which the signatories pledge body and soul to god and every authority that they are competent to drive an ATV, including wearing approved safety footwear (What rot!) on the beach. What a let out for an insurer!.

But the worst excesses are held in reserve, for when the (hopefully) completed paperwork is sent to the "head office" for Awards to be issued. If there are any errors at all, the offending paper is sent back to the unpaid trainer, or assessor for correction.

If you are unfortunate enough to be outside rigid time-frames for completion of the relevant paperwork, the paperwork is deemed to be invalid and the entire process will need to be repeated - not the training, but the PAPERWORK

Apparently the person who has done the training and signed off to say yes, I am competent, is not competent because the paperwork is not "right".

In my opinion, the issue is simplicity - or rather the lack of it.

For instance, the Bronze Medallion Award, which is called a Certificate II in Aquatic Rescue by the Australian Lifesaving Academy, contains of a number of "Awards" which are made up from "competencies" which are groups of procedures of which lifesaving activities consist. Sound complex? Well it is - and it isn't...

Any activity can be broken down into individual actions, which can be documented. This document is thus a record of the safe actions that make up the activity, and can be demonstrated and learned very simply in classrooms, or "on the job." Simple...

Next Step: Activities make up tasks which form part of work which "must" be performed by trained and "qualified" people. Getting less simple...

Finally: Work tasks, grouped together make up Jobs, performed by people who hold "Awards." Persons who do not hold the relevant "Award" are considered incompetent, often despite abundant evidence to the contrary, and because their qualifications have been superseded, which is bureaucrat speak for "changed so we can justify our positions." Complex? Yup...

Which brings me back to my question in the title of this post. If a person is able to perform "work" without the award, competently safely and efficiently, does the fact that he doesn't have the PAPERWORK preclude him from working?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Goldman Sachs banksters

I have an interest in the finance sector because of my former career as a financial adviser, so when I found the link to the Goldman Sachs senatorial hearing yesterday, I just had to look. I am or I should say, was apolitical, and I am not much for ethical debates, but there was a rather interesting viewpoint that emerged.
At no point in the theatrics did I get the impression that the Banksters were in the slightest concerned never mind sorry about a documented systematic fraud that occurred in the Goldman Sachs merchant bank. And I am certain it was repeated in countless other banks around the globe.
Now, the Goldman Sachs people are clearly intelligent and resourceful; Lloyd Blankfein for that matter, is very bright. The verbal & mental agility he used to dodge the committee was nothing short of outstanding. The products at the centre of the issue are complex and not easily understood by laypeople which of course is a large part of the problem, but there seems to be no arguing the fact that Goldman Sachs knowingly sold product that were designed to fail. With that understood, it is clear to me that the appropriate reaction should be shame, and embarrassment.
I did not see any evidence of that and I am sure that no one did.
What I did see, was a corporate culture that has a frightening similarity to that of the Crime Families, the Mafia or the Triads. A culture that is bent on protection of their own, rapaciously indifferent to the consequences of their actions, focused only on money that can be made by any means.
If you sell something that is faulty, or badly made, you should refund the money spent, or replace the product with one that is not faulty. Goldman Sachs and the other banksters run rather with “caveat emptor” and are prepared no doubt to protect their profits by legal maneuvering that is prohibitively costly for individuals to combat.
We cannot expect governments to legislate against the banksters – their lobby groups are so strong that key individuals in the major parties here and overseas are in their pocket-books so to speak. It will be a brave government that will do more than grandstand and use the publicity from exposure of the worst of the excesses to get them re-elected.
The best we can do as individuals is to act with integrity in our dealings with our customers and with our colleagues, whilst striving at all times to be an example to our peers.
A form of community banking may be a partial solution. We will need to consider what needs to be done to reform the financial system.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Working from Anywhere Online

One of the BEST things about network marketing, is that, with a smartphone, a laptop or notebook, and a (preferably broadband) internet connection, you can work from anywhere you want...

This week Tina and I are in Thailand, at beautiful Kata Beach in Phuket. We both love the people, the hot weather (34 Celsius today - 94 Fahrenheit) and the glorious HOT food. I had a yellow seafood curry last night that would have blistered paint, and gave Tina the hiccups when she tried it...

As usual, my P.A.  has set up my schedule so that I am productive, and most importantly, happy...

At 5.30am (local) I jog along the beach for 30 minutes, then swim (float!) for another 30 minutes before breakfast at the hotel. I relax until 9.00am, by the pool or just hanging with Tina

Then I get online, and using the 50/10 working hour, I put in 3 hours working on the websites, writing articles, and filming videos. This week I am focused on the new website, as the Google Slap is still stinging.

After lunch, I answer email and messages until they are done, and the rest of the day is free to visit the many beautiful cultural and historical sites of Phuket.

This afternoon we are going up the hill to look at the "Big Buddha" to see what progress they have made on the construction since we were here last October...

One other thing: It is important that you set up your time lines so you don't miss any important training or info calls - I use my IPhone to do that - the world clock is brilliant.

See you in the soup! Or maybe the Curry! LOL

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thai Travel

We are heading to Thailand for 2 weeks on Sunday - I will be posting from there

Monday, April 5, 2010

10 Reasons to Start an Online or Home Based Business

1) You get to spend more time with your family.  This is the number one reason people start a business.  You only get a cerain amount of time.  So spend it close to the people you love!

2) You create wealth for yourself.  Being a wage slave means that your boss makes more from your work than you do; it is called profit.  If you employer doesn't make at least a decent margin, say 30% then you are probably about to be fired, downsized, whatever.

3) Choose your own hours.  Work when there is real work to be done, not just because of a time clock or your rostered hours.  Just imagine you can work to knock out your workload, and then leave!  How many hours do you spend looking busy or dragging out projects so you won’t get bored?  Or imagine telling your boss that you've finished your work so you would like to leave for the day…

4) Your earnings are... ALL the money that you earn.  When you decide your own salary you can earn a raise.  Imagine saying “I want a raise next week” and then you make it happen.

5) Tax Benefits.  These are real and not emphasized often enough.    You can save thousands in taxes when you know what you can deduct as business expenses. Your accountant will be able to set you up properly, and you may want to incorporate.

6) No more Commuting. Unless you count as commuting your bedroom to your home office (which may even be in your bedroom!). The average worker wastes almost 10% of their week getting to and from work. That’s a lot of time.  Imagine getting a 2 hour lunch break – you could work out every day AND learn a new skill utilizing the extra hour

7) You pick where why and how you live! You no longer have to worry about living close to work. In the city, at the beach, in the hills, on a boat - you decide.  As long as you have an internet connection, and a smartphone you can work anywhere, anytime! If you want, take the kids to work, (by the pool) or at the airport on the way to their summer break.

8)Get rid of the overheads; Life gets cheaper when you work from home.  If you want (consult a tax professional first) you can deduct a portion of your rent or mortgage payments. You also save on office rent and furnishings.   Let the corporate poohbahs blow their budgets on the antique oak desk.

9) Holidays and sick days whenever you need them! Take what you need but be careful - don’t abuse this one…

10) You no longer  waste time or emotional energy hating your boss or your employer.  Negativity drains your resources, lowers the quality  of your work. You’ll be the best boss, because you know what to say and do to motivate your #1 employee.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

7 Traits Successful Entrepreneurs Share

Every successful online or home based business entrepreneur shares some or all of these traits, or follow similar practices. If you want to work from home, or are launching a business opportunity, you can incorporate these activities into your marketing plan

Friday, March 26, 2010

Introducing Don Fuller

Here I am, warts and all LOL

Basic Marketing for Home Based Business or Online Opportunities

Short video I produced to give some basic advice on marketing an online business,  briefly discussing keywords and search engine optimization and following up on the concept of Marketing = Sales

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stop Young Divers Killing themselves (and others)

If you have teen-aged or young adult drivers in your family, ask them to watch this YouTube video on the dangers of texting while driving.

I believe that there are solutions to the problem - whether we as a community have the courage to implement them, I do not know. But 40,000 annual deaths from driving accidents is a disgrace, and we need to work to stop the road carnage - if there were similar tolls from Afghanistan or Iraq, there would a national outpouring of grief and anger.

In Australia the national figures are similar on a per capita basis.

Show some support for your kids - send this to your political representatives - Stop the Carnage!!!

Self Funded Proposals for Online and Home Based Business

One of the BIG mistakes you can make with network marketing is to sell your opportunity to everyone you meet or know, all of the time; especially when you first meet and more especially if you know them and they know you’re new to internet marketing.

If you are like me, you don’t like to have a sales pitch thrown at you by people you know, and are even less likely to be charmed if you are asked to commit to a business you know nothing about, by people you barely know.

And I am certain you don’t want to be viewed by people this way, as you already know this is NOT the way to sales success. You also know that if you earn people's trust you can get them to buy, and may even get them to join you in your business.

What you may not know, is that by far the best way to earn trust and improve relationships online is by way of a self funded proposal.

The benefit upfront for you is that a funded proposal if implemented correctly is a way of selling low-priced informational products for the purpose of covering the cost of gaining leads; this is not to say you can’t make a profit – far from it – If your products are of value, then you can definitely make a profit.

But the primary purpose of selling the low-priced value laden product is to 1. Get the lead and 2. Foster a relationship with your customer. Once you have dialogue with the lead, you have a future source of profits.

So, what types of products do you offer or giveaway to gain your leads?

Well most people who surf the web are looking for information – It makes sense to sell information or educational products, doesn’t it? Because the distribution costs are practically zero, your ROI is great, and if you produce the products yourself, the outgoing cash flow is minimal.

Why sell these products? Around 90-95% of your leads will not buy your high value products. Most visitors to your site are marketers looking to see what you are doing. And the rest are just looking to see what there is, but are NOT going to spend the money on your opportunity – why would they? They have no idea (mostly) who you are, or what your business is or does.

But by offering low cost product with real value, some of these visitors will buy - especially if they see benefits to themselves from the purchase. So, offering a cheap way to handle your back office, or information on starting or running an on-line business is always going to get some sales.

The bonus is, you will now have a satisfied customer, with whom you have established a relationship. The chances that they will buy from you again are high, and eventually, they may even buy your high value, big ticket items. 

To summarize, with a funded proposal system you offset your marketing costs, which lower the cost of your leads, and well, you can crunch your own numbers to see where it can take you.

Fact: the big earners today, people like Jay Kubassek, Michael Force, Mike Dillard, Jeff Learner etc. do everything BUT promote their business opportunity. 

They promote themselves. By establishing a presence on the internet, they create credibility, which translates to leads and naturally, to sales.

Self Funded proposals are a proven method of establishing relationships and having leads come to you for information. More leads mean more opportunities to generate money. People will either continue to buy your inexpensive products or some may even choose to become a member in your business opportunity.

Self Funded proposals allow you to be cash flow positive almost instantly.

If you implement a funded proposal system in your marketing, you will go a long way to turn your annual income into a monthly income.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 Step Plan to Motivate Online or Home Based Entrepreneurs

The 3 Step Plan for Motivating Home or Online Business Owners
By Don Paul Fuller

Do you wake up in the morning full of energy, but find that, by the time you start work you're flatter than a pancake? Or, perhaps you’re flying, and then a challenge surfaces, and you crash and burn?
Do you find that your self-talk (we all do it) drags you down? Do you question your abilities or your chances for success?
If you answered yes, or maybe or sometimes to the questions, you need motivation - a lot!

As a student of motivational speakers I have attended some of the great conferences and self improvement seminars. Tony Robbins and the late great Jim Rohn have been instrumental to my success and while I am not a huge fan of “mass frenzy” there is no doubt that such techniques leave participants exhilarated and motivated.

But I question the longevity of such an approach to self motivation – by its nature it is external, and once the event is over, the exhilaration fades rapidly. At the Sydney Robbins events significant portions of the audience are repeat “offenders” in need of their motivational “fix”

I recommend a personal approach – you need to be your own motivational speaker – so to speak.

Your mind and your thoughts are things over which you can have absolute control, if you want. While you may need techniques, like neuro-linquistic programming (NLP) in order to effect change in your mental habits, don’t abdicate the content of your thoughts to a self help guru. You risk dependency on someone else, and their goals will differ significantly from yours.

But beware! Your thoughts can be lethal to positive thinking – most people have by default a negative state of mind.

I use a combination of techniques – NLP is helpful, as is visualization, and affirmations. But the technique I use the most and that I find most effective is relaxation and meditation.

In the early morning, after dressing for exercise, I first go for a slow walk. During the course of the walk, I focus on my breathing – in through the nose, out through the mouth and concentrate on only my breathing for 5 minutes or so. At some point I will notice that I am feeling relaxed, and calm. This is when I focus on those things in my life for which I am grateful. I dwell on my family, on the places I love, the people I love. The feelings I experience can approach euphoria at this point.
Action time – continuing to focus on those feelings, I gradually increase my pace until I am jogging or running at about 80% maximum – I could speak, but not easily. I continue at this pace for another 5 minutes.

Then I slow to a walk again, and focus on my breathing for another 5 minutes or so. I am then ready for anything!
You may find another form of exercise or relaxation works for you – the important factors are: focus – breathing – focus – happy thoughts – focus – breathing

After this, I review my plan for the day, and visualize (imagine) positive outcomes for all activities – I “see” these outcomes. The important thing is, don’t visualize too far in the future – there are many distractions to come that will change the desired outcomes, some positively.

And then, I am ready for the day.

At times, I will need to repeat the focus on breathing and gratitude during the day, if distractions start to affect my positive attitude. If I find that I am experiencing negative thoughts I may repeat the entire process, but usually the breathing/gratitude cycle is sufficient to return me to peak performance.

Try this and you will go a long way in turning your annual income into a monthly income…

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The 7 Rules of Marketing Online or Offline Business

I want to talk about Marketing today. You may have a website or an office. You may have a product that is the best available in your chosen industry or niche market.
However, if no one has heard about your business or your product, and there is no traffic to your door, be it office or internet you have NOTHING!

Marketing is the key to success with any business,

Lat’s go back to basics. What is Marketing? Marketing is everything you do to promote yourself and your business. Without marketing effort, your website is just one of EIGHT BILLION listed on Google and the other search engines. Without marketing, you better be next to Macca’s or Woolies, or Macy’s and pray for their overflow. You need to stand out and be noticed.

I have seven rules for marketing; If you follow these rules you will be well on the way to being a marketing powerhouse.

But remember, there is only one way to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing activity – SALES!

Rule No. 1 .Segment – identify your market clearly - Use a marksmans pistol NOT a Scattergun. Hit where you aim. Scatterguns throw pellets shot all over the place. Most failed marketing efforts are scattered marketing messages aimed at nobody in particular.

Let’s say you were trying to sell a bicycle. To market a bicycle to a 23 year old triathlete is entirely different to marketing a similar item to his 45 year old father. Therefore, Rule No.1 directs us to segment prospects into different groups who share common interests and concerns. If your product could be sold to a fifteen year old or a 40 year old, you need to discover who to focus your on for the greatest chance of a successful outcome.

Rule No.2. KNOW Your prospect.

Following Rule No.1, we target people for our marketing. Now, we MUST understand that target market as well as we know ourselves. We must use their mindset. We must understand what they think of our product, what they want, and the alternatives they have to our product.  Customers buy for their reasons, not ours. To market effectively, you MUST market to their concerns. Every piece of marketing must FOCUS on them. If you can’t relate to your market, understand the way they think, you won’t sell your product to them.

Rule No.3. . Be PASSIONATE About Your offer

Attitude is contagious. If we are around positive passionate and excited people, we begin to take on that attitude. If we are with negative people, the same phenomenon occurs. Most people like to associate with happy enthusiastic people. If you’re not passionate about your product, why would anyone else be? Speak and write with enthusiasm about how the benefits of your product can help people get what they want. If you can’t work up enthusiasm for your own product or business, find another business or product.

Rule No.4. Market Benefits, not Features

Even if your product or business is the BEST in the universe, your prospect is only interested in what your product or business can do for them – how will it make them feel – remember always, people buy on emotion. A feature will let them know what a product does – a benefit should let them know how they will feel. If they get a positive feeling from your marketing message they are more inclined to make a positive buying decision.

Rule No.5. Be DIFFERENT!

The cheapest marketing is free advertising. How do you get it? Do something OUTRAGEOUS or odd! Become news worthy, or extraordinary How? In your marketing on free social media, make your messages stand out – don’t just quote someone – make it different, so it relates to the market you are aiming for.
In order to differentiate yourself from the crowd of competitors, you MUST be DIFFERENT! If you have to make a clown of yourself, go for it!

Rule No. 6. NEVER Give Up!

In previous articles, I have lauded the benefits of Persistence and Perseverance. Many failures occur because people don’t realize how close they are to success when they quit. In marketing, if one campaign fails, you are closer to the one that will succeed. Learn from mistakes. BUT DO NOT GIVE UP!

Rule No. 7. Always Call for Action

“Close, close and close again” is known as the ABC of sales, but it also applies to marketing. You market to increase sales. Your outcome is not to provide entertainment or advice. The objective of marketing is to increase sales. However, if you can do that in and informative and entertaining way, that would be a bonus.

Information that moves a prospective customer to a sale is allowed in our copy. What should stay and what should go in our marketing? Imagine the customer asking “So? Why should I care?”

We’ve been in business since before Mao was a boy. “So? Why should I care?” Our product is technically brilliant. “So? Why should I care?” We’re a family business. “So? Why should I care?”

Again, market the benefits: “We have been in business since Mao was a boy, so you’ll always know where to find us. Since we are a family-owned business, you’re talking to an owner who can answer your questions and solve any problem. Our product is techically brilliant and will be up-to-date for years with out needing maintenance.” 

Talk about  benefits for the customer.

There you have my seven Rules of marketing If you keep in mind and put into practice these rules, you will go a long way to turn your annual income into a monthly income

Whenever you think of a new marketing approach, remember, the worst that can happen is they say

“It is not the strongest survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Darwin

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Option Basics: Using Synthetics to gain exposure to expensive stocks

If you know of the Sage of Omaha, then you know that shares in Berkshire Hathaway are bought for many thousands of dollars. The share price is in excess of USD$87,000. Even the “B” shares are trading at around USD$2,800.
It was an ambition of mine to own a share, so that I could gain access to the annual report for Berkshire Hathaway, which contains many of Mr. Buffet’s musings on the economy, and on the direction he is thinking of taking in the future. For many years the share price was beyond my means
The announcement by the CBOE that Options were to be offered over the “B” shares surprised me, because there have been no dividends offered by the company, even though many of the acquisitions by the company paid substantial dividends.
But the issue of Options means that exposure to another of the “blue chips’  is available at a fraction of the price of the shares.
Now, I am neither recommending that you rush out and buy options in Berkshire Hathaway, nor am I suggesting that you sell them.
What many people are unaware of is that by buying a call option and selling a put option at the same strike price, with the same expiry, will give you a financial instrument, a “synthetic”, that will almost exactly mirror the rise and fall of the stock price itself.
If the share price rises by a dollar, the value of the options will also rise by a dollar. If the share price falls by a dollar the value of the options will fall by a dollar.
This is a “bullish” option strategy that can be used when you believe that a stock will increase in price, but you cannot afford to buy the stock outright.
What even more people are unaware of is that by selling a call option and buying a put option at the same strike price with the same expiry, you create a “synthetic” that is the reverse of the previous option strategy.
If the share price falls by a dollar, the value of the options will rise by a dollar. If the share price rises by a dollar, the value of the options will fall by a dollar.
This is a “bearish” strategy that can be used if you believe that a stock will decrease in price, but you don’t own the stock, and you don’t wish to sell the stock you don’t own, or “short” it.
If you have limited capital using synthetic options can provide exposure to some of the great companies whose share price has climbed so much to be beyond your average investor.
Even with the events of the past few years. 

The Top Actions of Successful Online Entrepreneurs

Running your own on line business successfully is truly uplifting; to be able to spend as much time as you want with the people that really matter to you; to take holidays when & where you like – to live the life most people only dream about.

But in reality, there is a price to pay, which successful entrepreneurs are only too glad to pay in return for the rewards they receive. That price is not so much a price, as adherence to a philosophy, a set of instructions, which if followed to the best of your ability, will go a long way to turn your current annual income into a monthly income.

Try to emulate this philosophy until it becomes HABIT…

Dream BIG. If you dream about having a small business, that is what you will get. The great entrepreneurs like Jobs, Gates, Bezos etc. had a vision of what their businesses would be. Even though no one else could share their dream initially, the dream turned to reality.

Take BIG risks. The very nature of enterprise is that it is a risk. To succeed you may have to risk a lot. However, the trade off should be that the rewards, if successful, also be great.

Believe in Yourself. Do NOT listen to the naysayers, the pessimists and the prophets of doom. Trust your intuition, and whilst always being careful, back yourself to do and be all that you can do and be. At worst if you do not believe in yourself, believe in what you do.

Value Your Customer. At the end of the day the customer is your boss. Their value to your business is both incalculable and finite. It will ALWAYS be cheaper to retain a customer, rather than attract new ones. Calculating their dollar value to your business over a 5-10 year period may astonish you. Reward your customers as often as you can – the referrals will just flow!

Persevere. In previous posts I have discussed the power of perseverance and persistence. If Edison had given up after 98 failures, he would never have invented the light bulb. Entrepreneurs persevere.

Have Passion. The most successful businesses are run by people who are passionate about their business, who live and breathe the excitement of succeeding.

Take care of your People. If you share the benefits of the success of the enterprise, share your passion for the business, you will enthuse employees, investors and of course your customers.

These basic actions shared by entrepreneurs may not seem important. However, the synergy from application of these entrepreneurial philosophies will transform any business.


If you are interested in successful business, got to

Time Management For Home Based Business

Secret Time Management Tips

The Strategy that will turn Your Annual Income into Your Monbthly Income

As a network marketer, I found very early in my career that the biggest obstacle to success that marketers have working on their opportunities, is that, the more you need to do, or want to do, the less time you have to work with. It sounds simplistic, but the obstacle is complex and not easily negotiated.

If you are working from your home, it becomes even more of an issue. There are even more distractions and people competing for your attention.

There are many answers to the problem, but I find that the simplest solutions works best.

First, break the problem down to its components. If you are working from home, you have:

1. Family – wife, kids, dogs, house chores, etc

2. Work

3. hobbies and outside interest

Next, you produce a schedule that incorporates all of them. This allows you to retain a balance, rather than focusing JUST on work to the detriment of your family, ot to your outside interests.

Write your schedule down.

If it is in your head, it is dead. You cannot see your schedule, cannot Read to Remind, and have you have no trigger for refocus. It is easy to be distracted from what you are doing but having a written schedule you can refer to constantly will assist to keep you focused on your tasks. If you use a computerised diary, print it out and keep it close.

Take ten minutes every night before you retire for the day and itemise all the things you want to achieve or enjoy for the following day. Include your time for exercise, and for playing with your children. Do NOT forget time with your wife. This is imperative.

Schedule your work in three hour blocks.

Be very specific. At least 80% of your work should be on Income Producing Activity (IPA) such as (for network marketers) lead generation or follow up. The rest of your work should be mastering new skills.

Now, here is the key...

Use a timer.

Break your work time down to 3 hourly blocks, of 50 minutes and 10 minutes. You set the timer for 50 minutes and focus absolutely on work for that full 50 minutes. When the timer stops, immediately reset for 10 minutes, and RELAX. Go for a short walk to get fresh air, drink some water, meditate for a minute or two. Once your relaxing 10 minutes is finished, reset the timer for another 50 minutes of absolute focus on your work. And so on until you have completed 3 hour blocks.

Take a Break

At the end of your 3 hour work block, relax for a minimum of half an hour. I recommend a walk, or a swim to revitalise. If you eat, do NOT eat junk – it will slow your mind, or put you to sleep. Try a snack of almonds or walnuts – they are high in nutrients, low in fat and taste great!

You will be astonished at how much you will achieve if you use this simple system. You will go a long way towards converting your yearly income into a monthly income...

For information on successful online business, go to

Persistence & Perseverance: keys to Success in Your Online Business

Everyone has heard inspirational and motivational speakers mention the power of persistence or the importance of perseverance, but how many of us have considered exactly what those terms “persistence” and “perseverance” really mean to us, owners of top online or web-based businesses.

Consulting a dictionary or a reference site will give us the following:

Persistence: Noun

1. The act or fact of persisting

2. The quality of being persistent: You have persistence, I’ll say that for you.

3. Continued existence or occurrence: the persistence of smallpox

4. The continuance of an effect after its cause is eliminated

Perseverance: Noun

1. Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc, esp. in spite of difficulty

2. Theology/ continuance in a state of grace to the end leading to eternal salvation.

However, these do not give us the sense of power that scholars and visionaries have seen in these simple words and the importance of the qualities that are inherent in application.

These synonyms are self explanatory and pertinent to our industry:

Perseverance is constancy and continuance.

Perseverance is dedication, diligence, determination and drive.

Perseverance is endurance.

Perseverance is patience, and resolve.

Perseverance is doggedness, guts, stamina, and tenacity.

Perseverance is never never ever giving up.

Perseverance is getting back on the bike you fell off

Perseverance is hard work and persistence.

Perseverance is getting up after falling on your a$S, and trying again.

The late great Jim Rohn said it also in one of his speeches:”Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you're signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.

One of the most consistent of his messages is: Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.

One of the pitfalls of persistence and perseverance is mistaking either for repetition. Albert Einstein said it best “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Guard yourself from this. If you are doing something in your business that is not working for you, stop and evaluate what you are doing – if there is a problem, change something and check the results again. If it is still not working, change it again, and keep changing it until it works. But do NOT give up.

You will find this surprisingly effective; the secret is to document the changes and the results to facilitate proper analysis.

History if full of stories of people who failed and failed and failed again. Then, finally they succeed. If you know the name of Edison you will understand. If you don’t, do yourself a favor and Google him....

If you persist, in the end you WILL succeed...

For information on how to drive your business to success you can go to