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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Top Actions of Successful Online Entrepreneurs

Running your own on line business successfully is truly uplifting; to be able to spend as much time as you want with the people that really matter to you; to take holidays when & where you like – to live the life most people only dream about.

But in reality, there is a price to pay, which successful entrepreneurs are only too glad to pay in return for the rewards they receive. That price is not so much a price, as adherence to a philosophy, a set of instructions, which if followed to the best of your ability, will go a long way to turn your current annual income into a monthly income.

Try to emulate this philosophy until it becomes HABIT…

Dream BIG. If you dream about having a small business, that is what you will get. The great entrepreneurs like Jobs, Gates, Bezos etc. had a vision of what their businesses would be. Even though no one else could share their dream initially, the dream turned to reality.

Take BIG risks. The very nature of enterprise is that it is a risk. To succeed you may have to risk a lot. However, the trade off should be that the rewards, if successful, also be great.

Believe in Yourself. Do NOT listen to the naysayers, the pessimists and the prophets of doom. Trust your intuition, and whilst always being careful, back yourself to do and be all that you can do and be. At worst if you do not believe in yourself, believe in what you do.

Value Your Customer. At the end of the day the customer is your boss. Their value to your business is both incalculable and finite. It will ALWAYS be cheaper to retain a customer, rather than attract new ones. Calculating their dollar value to your business over a 5-10 year period may astonish you. Reward your customers as often as you can – the referrals will just flow!

Persevere. In previous posts I have discussed the power of perseverance and persistence. If Edison had given up after 98 failures, he would never have invented the light bulb. Entrepreneurs persevere.

Have Passion. The most successful businesses are run by people who are passionate about their business, who live and breathe the excitement of succeeding.

Take care of your People. If you share the benefits of the success of the enterprise, share your passion for the business, you will enthuse employees, investors and of course your customers.

These basic actions shared by entrepreneurs may not seem important. However, the synergy from application of these entrepreneurial philosophies will transform any business.


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