One of the BIG mistakes you can make with network marketing is to sell your opportunity to everyone you meet or know, all of the time; especially when you first meet and more especially if you know them and they know you’re new to internet marketing.
If you are like me, you don’t like to have a sales pitch thrown at you by people you know, and are even less likely to be charmed if you are asked to commit to a business you know nothing about, by people you barely know.
And I am certain you don’t want to be viewed by people this way, as you already know this is NOT the way to sales success. You also know that if you earn people's trust you can get them to buy, and may even get them to join you in your business.
What you may not know, is that by far the best way to earn trust and improve relationships online is by way of a self funded proposal.
The benefit upfront for you is that a funded proposal if implemented correctly is a way of selling low-priced informational products for the purpose of covering the cost of gaining leads; this is not to say you can’t make a profit – far from it – If your products are of value, then you can definitely make a profit.
But the primary purpose of selling the low-priced value laden product is to 1. Get the lead and 2. Foster a relationship with your customer. Once you have dialogue with the lead, you have a future source of profits.
So, what types of products do you offer or giveaway to gain your leads?
Well most people who surf the web are looking for information – It makes sense to sell information or educational products, doesn’t it? Because the distribution costs are practically zero, your ROI is great, and if you produce the products yourself, the outgoing cash flow is minimal.
Why sell these products? Around 90-95% of your leads will not buy your high value products. Most visitors to your site are marketers looking to see what you are doing. And the rest are just looking to see what there is, but are NOT going to spend the money on your opportunity – why would they? They have no idea (mostly) who you are, or what your business is or does.
But by offering low cost product with real value, some of these visitors will buy - especially if they see benefits to themselves from the purchase. So, offering a cheap way to handle your back office, or information on starting or running an on-line business is always going to get some sales.
The bonus is, you will now have a satisfied customer, with whom you have established a relationship. The chances that they will buy from you again are high, and eventually, they may even buy your high value, big ticket items.
To summarize, with a funded proposal system you offset your marketing costs, which lower the cost of your leads, and well, you can crunch your own numbers to see where it can take you.
Fact: the big earners today, people like Jay Kubassek, Michael Force, Mike Dillard, Jeff Learner etc. do everything BUT promote their business opportunity.
They promote themselves. By establishing a presence on the internet, they create credibility, which translates to leads and naturally, to sales.
Self Funded proposals are a proven method of establishing relationships and having leads come to you for information. More leads mean more opportunities to generate money. People will either continue to buy your inexpensive products or some may even choose to become a member in your business opportunity.
Self Funded proposals allow you to be cash flow positive almost instantly.
If you implement a funded proposal system in your marketing, you will go a long way to turn your annual income into a monthly income.
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