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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lifesaving On Moreton Island

Those who know me are aware of my passion for the Lifesaving movement, embodied in the Surf Lifesaving clubs of Australia; this passion was confirmed and intensified over the past few days, as a lifeguard on Queensland's Moreton Island.

If you have never been there (and I had not before this weekend past) it is one of the largest sand islands in the world, and apart from 3 small settlements and a tourism icon, the island is 95% National park. You can access more information from

During the Australian September School holidays, the island is visited by thousands of holiday makers, who swim surf, snorkel and generally partake in the holiday activities of the Queensland Spring. As a result of incidents, Surf Life Saving Queensland has commenced a Lifeguard service on the island, during the holiday seasons.

During the recent holidays, I was asked to go to Tangalooma, and be a lifeguard for 9 days...

Apart from the immense natural beauty of the island, there is another less obvious attraction. Time is slowed to a crawl from the hustle and bustle of the mainland. There really is a phenomenon called "Island Time," where stress is a word rather than a condition, and tomorrow is a distant event that is to be enjoyed rather than feared or dreaded....

After 9 days, I was completely relaxed, even though I had kept busy with lifesaving duties - driving a Jetski (Surf Lifesaving clubs call them Rescue Water Craft) for eight hours a day is exhilarating rather than exhausting, but I admit I slept well at night

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday is basketball night - 3pm till 9pm - exhausting, but the kids love it - they get pizza after!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Telling People About Your New Internet Business (Part 1)

People used to love words. For millenia, they were the primary method of communication. Initially the words were spoken, remembered and repeated by the Elders or the wise men and women of our civilsations. Then came the written word, with the Homer's, the Shakespeares, and the Heinleins with their beautiful phrases and vivid ideas and narratives. We learned from poets, soldiers, statesmen and of course, from teachers.

Our entertainments consisted of one on one dialoques, from reading and from listening to the masters, the gurus in live performances or exhibitions. We had time to consider what we heard and what we read, because life was slower, less harried. It took time to listen, time to think.

As a result of this slower pace, people were accustomed to waiting until they heard or read the entire story. People were really good listeners, they expected to take time to enjoy, or savour all the nuances that the telling of stories provided. People were able to actively participate in the narratives, to relate to the emotions and used their imagination to extrapolate other scenarios.

Consider the current situation, where the primary communication media is television, video or the Internet. Most information is shared visually, and the written word is a secondary medium used for emphasis, or to repeat a message. We have learned that listening is not necessary, except under certain circumstances, so we generally don't listen to the spoken word.

Worse, we tend to discount what we do hear, or wait for visual confirmation of any message. We no longer learn from the gurus and teachers of old, but get our information from anonymous third party sources, controlled by businesses, or by governments. We are able to assimilate information visually, and transmit our information the same way.

Visual communications aren't novel; the visual ats have been around for centuries. The difference between then and now is that producing the visuals in days past took enormous effort and talent, and then for people to view the results took TIME.

Today, television gets visual messages to viewers with the same effort and talents required, but people no longer have to use their time to access the medium, as it is transmitted direct to our
homes, offices and smart phones or other connected devices. The effect this has on our lives and
on our businesses is profound. Most of us get all but all of our news from electronic media. The
major corporations internationally all have their own television and video production studios.
Sales conferences are rarely conducted in large rooms or halls but are video or web events

Our children spend more time with electronic media that they spend in their educational institutions by a factor of around 2 to 1.

Today, if you want a message or information disseminated, you look to video conferencing, or
produce a short digital video for transmission to the other paries. The techniques used by
television studios to produce hard information as news are replicated by business. Key financial
data is analysed, facts, numbers, ideas and strategies are examined for pertinence to audiences
and their relevance measured in traffic, and in views.

One consequence of this media transmission is that we are conditioned to interpret data in much
shorter time frames or bursts than previously. This leads us to impatience toward any message
that takes more than just a few minutes.

Inevitably, if we wish to "tell people about our business" we are constrained by the same
barriers as the large corporations. This means we either have to be master communicators to get
our message to our customers, or we need to spend huge amounts to achieve that purpose.

Luckily, to become a master communicator is relatively simple; all that is needed in information, and TIME

In the next installment we will commence discussion about the techniques for improving communication, so that you can commence "Telling People About Your New Internet Business"

See you soon...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tools for Your Web Business

If your business has a website, direct sales are not necessarily the sole, nor even the primary reason for maintaining it.

Having a web prescence helps promote your brand and provides essential information about your products and services. In fact, if your business is primarily services, it is unlikely that you wouold require an on-line sales system.

However if you sell physical goods, or pre-sell software, or educational services, a web-site makes sense as a way to expand your offerings and create opportunities for more sales. As your customers become aware of the convenience and security of paying on-line, your business can make life easier for them, by offering a secure payments system.

Making life easier for your customers does not mean that it will simplify your business, or that you will find the transition to a payments system painless. This is intended as a beginners guide, that will help you to plan your on-line payments system.

Establishing your payment system at even the most basic level will require planning; who processes amd then packages your goods? Will you need to provide invoices, or receipts? If you already perform some of these functions in your business you will have some procedures in place that you should be able to translate across to your web-site. There are specialised software packages that can help in managing the process, by automating labels and such. But you should be aware that there will be additional work that needs to be done.

To accept payments and orders from your website there will several related technologies that will be needed.

1. You will need to list the products and services that you offer. If you are just offering a few products on your site the simplest way is to add descriptions by using your content management system (CMS) If your offering is extensive, you will probably need dedicated software to handle the complexities of a catalogue. There are a number of open-source systems, and ecommerce offerings available - if you have trouble finding something that suits, contact me...

2.You will need to accept payments. For a small scale business, PayPal will process transactions via a "Buy Now" button. This is probably easiest for small operations. All that is required is for you to set-up a PayPal account and add to your web-site. Make sure you register for a premium account as the fees are lower than for a personal account. PayPal have a facility where you can cut and paste the HTML code for a "Pay Now" button into your CMS at the appropriate place.

For larger scale operations you may find it advantageous to have your payments processed more directly. This will mean a number of elements: a merchant account, and a payment getway service to handle the processing. The merchant account will be required for the processing of credit cards; some merchant accounts include a payment gateway service.

If you have any problems with any of these elements, you can contact me for help...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Leading Meetings in Your Business

Whether you have called the meeting or are an invitee, a leader will always have a part to play, ensuring that participants stay focused, included, and co-operative.

Focus is important, because if the discussion goes off agenda, time may be wasted. A leader can redirect the meeting: "Perhaps that is something for another dicussion - let's take notes and we could brainstorm that later" - "We should to stay with our first subject and finalize that before we start another, don't you think?"

To include everyone in the group, and maximise the outcomes, you need to identify the basic personalities. There are movers, opposers, followers, and watchers. Movers are the ones that suggest ideas and run with them, usually the first to initiate action. You are probably a mover, if you are an entrepreneur. Opposers are competing with movers, often becoming movers themselves. They look for the facts, and argue for points. Followers may see a need to play it safe, and see where the meeting is headed, before adding their often useful input. Watchers are just that - they stay out of the discussion, but take a commentators role.

As a leader, encourage the movers by pointing them in the direction of the agenda, but don't ignore the others - make sure their input is solicited. Opposers may initially block the meetings' objectives, but can be used as "Devils Advocates." Set tasks that will use their objections "Check that out and find out if that will help or hinder our agenda" Leader's tend to be opposers at meetings they have not called - be aware of that and watch for the opposer in yourself.

Followers are often very creative, once their need for safety is met. Assign them implementation tasks - they will be gratified at that, and handle challenges enthusiastically.

Watchers are usually time wasters - don't waste energy trying to get them to take a position on anything - use them to investigate and report if they are willing - but report to you privately, as they will not wish to be judged on their input publicly.

Getting people in a meeting to work co-operatively is a big ask. Everyone has their own personal needs and private agendas, and these need to be fulfilled BEFORE focus can transfer to the agenda.

Here is where a leader needs to work hard before meetings to ensure that skills essential to group interaction have been learned by the team.

Listening. We all listen, but how effective is your listening. We tend to anticipate what someone is about to say, and even if we are right we will miss something because we will be 10% (or more) wrong, and that 10% may be the really important part.

Leader's should summarize after each person speaks, and check if that is what was meant. Asking others if that is what they "heard" gives participants an opportunity to review and process what was said. Leader's may also interrupt responses that are off subject. It should be done carefully, so as not to alienate the responder.

Support. We all compete - it's natural. It is difficult at times, but supporting ideas from someone else promotes team effectiveness. Even when we disgree with MOST of an idea, showing agreement for some of the ideas fosters the team.

A leader must show the way here, by listening for things to support, and adding and building on those things. Synergy will build the rapport of the group.

Disagreeing. It would be a good feeling if everyone agreed about everything at meetings, but disagreeing is necessary, and good. Solutions are stronger if they survive criticism, and constructive disagreement is conducive to team harmony, in the longer term. When people learn how to survive criticism, it makes working with others less stressful and more productive.

Leaders need to ensure that criticisms are NOT personal, but about the ideas - personal criticism won't "win friends and influence people" and will preclude future support for ideas. By ensuring diagreement is impersonal, everyone considers the facts, not the personalities. Finding things to support before overall diagreement helps lessen feelings of loss, gives balance. Lead with questions that highlight the issue, that may expose less obvious reasons for the disagreement that may be crucial to the issue. Try to offer alternatives when disagreeing with something.

Using and teaching these skills will improve meetings you are involved with in your business. And remember, all interactions with others are really meetings...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Optimizing Outcomes for Meetings in Your Business

Everyone who runs a business has meetings. It is unavoidable, whether you meet on-line, face-to-face, in boardrooms or at seminars; you are going to be in or at meetings.

But meetings need not be "something to be avoided". Managed properly, they can be a source of leads, cement relationships, and be a powerful venue for solving disputes or to sucessfully negotiate alliances.

The key is ALWAYS setting an agenda, and visualizing all the possible outcomes, or as many as you can anticpate. You can strategize to maximise the benefits for all participants, seeking win-win solutions to issues, or mutally acceptable compromises.

Be sure to think about the emotional responses that could occur to the content in the meetings. If there is a potential for anger or resentment, bring that up early, and devise ways to deflect or manage the emotions. Acknowledgment can be a source of strength, and can effectively defuse the many fears that could divert you from a co-operative outcome.

I prepare a think sheet before meetings, where I list the possible issues. I distribute this, so that all cards are on the table at the start. By brainstorming the issues with peers, subordinates, clients and superiors at the least you are starting from a place you know, with a potential map to where you should be going.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Reason to Recession and Inflation Proof Your Income

If you are someone who has been listening to the news about the Global Financial Crisis for
the past year or so, you are probably a little bored with some of the often repetitive

Unless, like my friend Audie from Cinncinnati, who was laid off over a year ago, you are
listening and watching the news like a hawk, looking for the silver lining. Try to imagine
the pain, fear and frustration that he and his family feel.

But that is the good news - Audie is still positive, and his chats with me are upbeat and
full of self-deprecating humor.

I have been talking with him about the potential of on-line business, but he has an almost
uncanny belief in the power of the Chinese to bail everyone out, and is "waiting" until
things get back to "normal"

Two questions: What is normal? And Why will the Chinese help the rest of the world "get back
to normal?

Newsflash: No-one now knows what normal is; The Chinese are starting to feel the pain of
unchecked growth, with climbing inflation, that will eventually force them to act on their

Now here is the bad news: The US and the rest of the world are borrowing money from the
Chinese to stimulate their economies. They on-lend the money to banks and other
institutions, who are supposed to lend the money to people so that they can finance
businesses, service long-term liabilities, and to pay for "toys" that most are addicted to.

The banks know the real situation, and make a lot of noise about lending, but sit on the
money, because they know the reality - they are deferring losses, and they have to hoard
cash for the shake-out...

Think about it. Would you lend money out knowing that you needed it to pay for your own
inflated liabilities, sometime in the near future? If you were certain that, eventually,
cash was the only thing that would save you. Not property, falling in value, or unable to
be sold at anywhere near the Book Value. Not shares, that are so volatile that a 15% swing
in a month is not unusual anymore.

So, there is much more pain to come, unless there is a miracle, and the truly rich stop
sitting on their hands, and start lifting the awful burden that Audie and Co. carry.

I am not talking about helping those who won't help themselves, or about paying for the
toys that all walks of life seem to take for granted. I am talking about funding education
and re-training the hundreds of thousands of people who lost their jobs, for those who are
genuinely up the creek without the proverbial paddle.

Providing real jobs, even if those jobs involve public works, or perish the thought, public
housing. Real education, in fields that are future focused, rather than entertainment
support systems.

Recent comments by Alan Greenspan in the Wall Street Journal about US Federal Debt levels
are also worth considering. He repeated the truism that the US Government can produce money
at will, so there is no credit risk. But he also repeated that there is a definite
interest rate risk.

The US interest rates are still at near zero. But remember, (I can, but I am a boomer) in
1979/80 over the space of 4 months, the effective rates of interest increased by 4%. The
prime rate, that charged by the banks was 15.6%.

Debt as a percentage of the GDP rose from 38% in June 08 to 59% in June 2010. How much
more can this increase with out substantial movement in interest rates? I am not trying to
frighten anyone, but we need to look at the facts.

So, it is a no brainer. Inflation sooner or later, is going to hit. Hard. People everywhere
will need to find ways to Recession and Inflation Proof their incomes.

If you are interested in this, go to Don Paul Fuller's website, and learn how to start doing just that...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video Marketing

Over the past months, I have gathered leads from Youtube ( ) where I uploaded a few videos that were, frankly, horrible - It is a wonder people did not run screaming into the night...

However, I WAS getting people to subscribe to my Newsletter and to my blogs regularly. I was baffled...

However, my sponsor Jeff Learner spotted the reason straight away. I had added the videos to my landing pages, where appropriate, and I had also embedded the code so that they play automatically. Jeff told me that the reason I was getting the leads was because of that code

So I tested it. I ran a campaign on identical web pages, with autoplay turned on in one but not the other. The results were as Jeff told me. I got a 40% better result from the auto-play version.

The message from this? Ensure that all embedded youtube videos have &autoplay=1 added to the code. Your lead conversions will improve substantially...

If you are unsure how to do that, send me an email, and I will help.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Taking Time To Stay Organized Means A Lot In A Work At Home Business

Working from the comfort of your home has it benefits. However, you will to need to follow some self disciplinary rules for your work to be successful. To be able to spend time with family and do all the things you dreamed about by working at home, you will need to follow these work at home business tips.

How many times have you heard that phrase that says timing is everything? This is really true when you are running a business from your home. Your schedule is going to need to be strict. This means you should make a schedule at the start of every work week. Write down specific hours that are for your work and your work only. Paste it in the same place every time that will allow you to see it each day. This will be a reminder for you to stay on that schedule.

Do you have a place to work that is going to be free from distractions? If not, then you should start making one. Choose an extra room or a corner of the den. The place you choose does not matter as long as you know you will be able to work in it free from as many interruptions as possible. This space should be kept clean as well for you to be able to work efficiently.

Do you have children? If so, then you will need to make arrangements to avoid the interruptions that come with having kids. If you can afford it, invest in day care or a babysitter for the time you are working. You can also make a room for the kids to play in. Put all their toys and video games in it. This is a great idea that will keep you from worrying over them while you are trying to work. One tip is to schedule your working hours around the times the kids are sleeping. This will help with not having any interruptions.

Have you ever tried to work in a cluttered and disorganized area? This is a certain recipe for disaster. Make sure you keep your workspace neat and organized. This will enable you to find things easily and you will get more done. Use pigeon hole shelving to organize your tools or other supplies. Make sure you use a filing cabinet for important paperwork.

Think about all the supplies you may need for your business. Make a list and make sure you include everything on it so that one trip to the supply store will do it. Running back and forth for additional things you might need is a time consumer. One thing you will need to keep in mind is utilizing your time. Time is money in every business, at home or otherwise.

Do you run your business emails through your personal account? You should make a separate email account for just the business. Checking your email every hour or so will cause you to be distracted. The point in saving time is to steer away from as many interrupting situations possible.

For you to be able to stay at home and run a successful business, you are going to have to practice self discipline. Make sure that those in your family understand why you are locked away in that room or why you tell everyone to play quietly. The key to the profits for your work at home business will depend on you adhering to schedule.

Developing and enhancing a home based business is one answer to the problem of higher living costs on less income. With an on line marketing company, you have benefits beyond those of income.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard: The Wizard(ess) of OZ

As a resident in Australia, though not a citizen, I am largely untouched by the political environment. But it was with some surprise that I discovered that our new Prime Minister is a (her words) redhead and is female.

I have long admired Ms Gillard. She has a down-to-earth manner and never seems to be ruffled or surprised by anything that comes her way. Her wit is razor sharp, and I have enjoyed her aggressive style in question time at the Australian Parliament.

What would seem to be less admirable is the method of her ascension to the top job. The term "political assassination" comes to mind as does the thought that there is "blood on the sand." Kevin Rudd seems to have been ambushed by one of his most loyal followers and although his deportment on national television was dignified, on can only guess at his inner thoughts - I would think "murdered!" would be somewhere there...

The reality is that a mediocre performer has been replaced by something of an enigma - a political pitbull, who seems to love the cut and thrust of political intrigue. Yet for all of that someone who's integrity and, until last night, loyalty could not be challenged.

She answered a criticism of her loyalty as she always seems to, from the front foot. She stated that her over-riding loyalty belongs to the Australian People, and to the Labor Party...

We could do worse...

Friday, May 28, 2010

I worry that though there is more and more information available on the net, I have less and less understanding...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why People Choose an Internet Marketing Business

I have been asked on many occasions why I chose to work as an internet marketer, rather than a
“real job.” At first, I thought the question strange, until I realised that I had seen very few articles that articulated the many reasons. Oh, I know that everyone who is recruiting talks about the “huge income” and the “freedom from wage slavery” or the “work from home”; I am not arguing against those very valid reasons, but there usually are other not so obvious reasons why we choose online businesses.

Anthony Robbins of Awaken the Giant fame, talks about the reasons we do what we do – he says
we do things to gain pleasure, and to avoid pain. - that's it...

I believe what Tony means is that we work not for money, but for the pleasure that money brings
when we do things with that money. He means that we work long hours on PPC campaigns etc.
because we are avoiding the pain that we were feeling driving for 3 hours a day to our previous jobs

And there is much more...

I gain immense pleasure from the knowledge that I work in the company of industry giants like Jay Kubasek, Mike Dillard, Aaron Parkinson and others.

I enjoy learning from the best marketing minds in the online marketing business; from selling
products that are wanted and worthwhile, and that customers love...

But the main reason I work as an online businessman?

Simply, I gain a huge amount of energy, pleasure and satisfaction from teaching those who are willing and more importantly keen to learn how to work this business.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gympie is a misunderstood town - salt of the earth territory...
I asked if she'd hate me if I thought bad things about her; she said "No" but when I said I think you're a loser she slapped me - go figure.
If you don't have a dream, you are not really alive...